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How To Be A Freelance Writer With No Experience: Tips

If you’re interested in starting a freelance writing career but don’t have any experience, you’re not alone. In fact, Many people who make the switch to freelance writing don’t have any prior experience. However, freelance writing can be a great way to make a living, provided you’re willing to learn and acquire the knowledge necessary to succeed. In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to be a successful freelance writer, as well as some tips for getting started. So if you’re ready to start your writing career, keep reading.


What is a freelance writer


A freelance writer is an individual who works from home or anywhere in the world to create content for businesses, influencers, or brands. Freelancers are self-employed, meaning they do not work for any one entity or individual on a long-term basis. Instead, they work with multiple clients on shorter projects or task basis.


What does a freelance writer do


These individuals use their writing skills to create a wide range of content for various platforms and businesses. This includes blog posts, website content, social media posts, email marketing campaigns, ebooks, and more.


Education requirements to be a freelance writer.


No formal education is required to be a freelance writer, although many successful freelance writers have degrees in English, Journalism, or Communications. Many writers with no experience start by taking a writing course or two to learn the basics of the trade. There are also many online resources available to help writers hone their skills. However, if you don’t have the time or money to invest in a writing course, don’t worry – the best way to learn how to be a successful freelance writer is to start writing. The more you write, the better you’ll become at it.


Skills associated with freelance writing


Successful freelance writers typically have a few common attributes, such as excellent grammar, syntax, and punctuation skills. They also have a knack for researching topics ineptly and presenting their arguments or stories in a clear and concise way. Therefore to be successful as a freelance writer with no experience, you must assess your skills and talents before you start. This will help you gauge what you know, don’t, and need to learn.


Additional skills associated with freelance writing work:

The ability to

– write for different audiences

– work with different clients

– meet deadlines

– write in different styles

– adapt your writing style to the client’s needs

– edit and proofread your work

–  take constructive feedback from clients and editors


How much can you expect to make as a freelance writer in the United States?


There’s no easy answer to this question since freelance writers’ rates vary greatly depending on their skills, experience, niche, and type of writing. For example, Payscale claims freelance writers make an average hourly rate of $24.64per hour, while the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics claims freelancers make around 33.42 per hour.


Although based on rates posted on Handyhubb, most freelance writers in the United States earn anywhere from $32.18 to $61.09 per hour, which equates to $1287-2443 weekly

$5159-$9774 monthly and $61,908 to $117,288 annually . However, these are averages – some freelance writers can make more or less depending on additional factors.


 For a more in-depth break down on average writing rates, check out our other article:


How much do freelance writers make


Or check out the highest-ranked google article on how much freelance writers make.


High-paying freelance writing jobs:


Content writing is a type of online writing that focuses on providing information to readers. It may write for websites, blogs, or other online publications. It can make anywhere from $0.10-$1.00 per word, $25-$100 per article or project, and $30-$60 per hour.


 Content marketers: Content marketers are similar to content writers but focus more on creating marketing materials that promote a product or service. They may write blog posts, create infographics, produce e-books or white papers, or develop marketing collateral. They can make anywhere from $0.15-$1.75per word, $50-$200 per article or project, and $30-$100 per hour.


Ghostwriter – A ghostwriter is a writer who writes books, articles, stories, or other texts that are officially credited to another person. Ghostwriters are often used by celebrities or public figures who want to publish a book or article but do not have the time, knowledge, or ability to write it themselves. Ghostwriters can make anywhere from$0.15-$1.75 per word, $25-$250 per article or project, and $15-$100 per hour.


When choosing your freelance writing niche, consider your skills and experience. You should also consider what type of writing you enjoy. There are many different niches within the freelance writing field, so be sure to explore all of your options before choosing one.


Tips to help you get started as a freelance writer:


Use social media 


Social media is a powerful tool for any freelance writer – it can help you connect with other writers, get your name known in the industry, and find clients.

Most importantly, social media will help you develop and curate a personal brand. If you want to write about fashion, make sure you upload professional profile photos and tweet about fashion industry news and share your blog content.

You can also use specific hashtags to make it easier for potential clients to find you – some examples include:





 Create writing samples


It can be tough to score your first gig if you don’t have any experience. Therefore it’s a good idea to write samples to show potential clients what you can do.

You have the option to write samples on spec – meaning you write them without being commissioned. Moreover, if you believe that a specific publication might be interested in an article or blog post idea you have, you can write it and send it to them directly as a pitch.

If they accept your pitch, you’ve just snagged your first gig.

 If not, you can still use the article as a sample of your work.


 Look for writing opportunities everywhere 


One way to get started as a freelance writer is to write for free or “exposure,” as some might say. While you should never write for free if someone is asking you to do actual work (i.e., they’re commissioning you to write an article), there are some opportunities to write for free to gain experience or build your portfolio.

For example, you might write a blog post for a friend’s website or submit an article to a non-paying online publication. These writing opportunities can help you get your name out there and hone your writing skills.


Start a blog 

Blogging is a great way to get your name out there, which can also help you attract new clients. By starting your blog, you can show off your writing skills and discuss topics that interest you. You can also use your blog as a reference point when cold-pitching new clients who are unfamiliar with you. Blogs are also a great way to build a portfolio of writing samples.


Research the market rates 


When starting, it can be tough to know how much to charge for your writing services. Therefore, it would be best to research industry rates before undervaluing your work.

One way to do this is by joining a professional association, such as the National Association of Freelancers & Self-Employed (NAFSE). This will give you access to your region’s industry news, events, and market rates.

You can also check job boards and online directories to see what companies are willing to pay for writing services. Once you know the going rates, you can more accurately set your rates.


Writer Websites

Most professional writers have an online presence, whether a Twitter account or a full-fledged website. While you don’t need a website to be a freelance writer, it can be a valuable asset.

Your website can serve as a part of your portfolio. It can also be a place to list your services and rates and a way to connect with writing clients. If you create a website, make sure it’s professional and easy to navigate.


Get involved with online communities. 

There are several online communities for freelance writers where you can find writing jobs, get advice from more experienced writers, and connect with other professionals in the field. Some examples of online communities for freelance writers include:


-Our own HandyHubb


-Freelance Writers Den

-Digital nomads


For more information on writing communities read our blog:


Popular slack communities for freelances


Work with content mills 

Content mills are online platforms that connect writers with businesses or individuals who need content. While the pay is usually not great, working with a content mill can help you start as a freelance writer.

Additionally, many content mills allow writers to work up to higher-paying gigs. For example, you might start by writing blog posts for a content mill, but eventually, you could work your way up to writing articles for paying publications.


Keep in mind that content mills are not the same as print or online magazines. Magazines are businesses that pay writers for their work, whereas content mills are businesses that hire writers to produce content for their clients.


A few good content mills are:


-Our own Handyhubb


-Constant Content


Things to remember


Our time together has come to an end, but I want to leave you with one last piece of advice don’t give up. It takes time and practice to build a successful freelance writing career. But if you’re persistent and willing to do the work, you can make it as a freelance writer.


Do you have any additional questions about becoming a freelance writer without any experience? If so, Let us know in the comments below.


And if you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends.


Happy freelancing!

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