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Fortune Favors The Bold

One of the most infallible truths of life is once you stop learning, exploring, and thriving you begin to die both mentally and physically. As the late Steve Jobs once said about Fortune Favors: “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the single most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything, all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”

So, what is truly important?  Remembering that the individuals who take full advantage of the day, despite the fear of failure or judgment, and make the most of every day, are the true winners of this beautiful but short story we call life.  Ambition, focus, persistence, and a great support system are all immensely powerful in a world where nothing stays the same forever.

Everywhere we look, there is opportunity, and the possibilities are endless. But always remember that there’s a big difference between seeing an opportunity and seizing an opportunity.  Make the best possible use of the large variety of resources you have at your disposal. Connect with people who will help reshape your world the way you see fit. Start That business you’ve been thinking about in your head, lose that extra weight you feel is keeping you from being your most pure and authentic self, book that dream vacation you keep telling yourself it’s not the right time for.

In these times, that some label “The Great Resignation”, more people than ever are walking away from what’s considered normal and striking out on their own to turn their dreams into a reality. But not without help. The most important part of any story is the supporting cast; they’re the ones that help bring the story to life and make the journey that much more enjoyable. Start your journey on today, you won’t regret it.